Membership terms

Publication date: 2019-11-15

Indiska's membership terms are part of our privacy policy.

Becoming a member 
To become a member of My Indiska you must be 16 years old. You also need to have a valid social security number (Sweden). Only individuals can apply for a membership at My Indiska, it is personal and cannot be transferred. Memberships may not be used for business purposes. Each individual is entitled to one membership and can only be registered as a member in one country. The membership is free of charge.

You sign up as a member by registering your name, email address, mobile phone- and social security number at the checkout in one of our Indiska stores (available in Sweden, Norway, Finland) or at our website,, under the tab "My pages". It is mandatory to enter your email address, mobile phone number and social security number (Sweden). This information together with other relevant information, such as bonus points, constitutes your customer account at My Indiska.

The membership is digital and you are able to manage your information at You are responsible for updating your account information, this so that you do not lose points or bonus checks.

How to collect and use bonus points
All purchases made as a member at or in our Indiska stores are bonus-based. Simply show your personal identification in one of our stores or sign in as a member at when making a purchase in order to collect points.

Bonus points can be registered up to 10 days after a purchase was made, only if you were a member at the time of the purchase. Please contact Indiska Customer Service and we will be happy to assist you. Please keep your receipt close at hand.

You get one 1 point for every 1 SEK you spend at Indiska. The number of points earned is based on the value of your purchases after deductions of discounts, checks, coupons or promotions. Once you have earned 1000 points, you will receive a bonus check of  30 SEK or 3 Euro. This might amount vary depending on which country you live in.

Points are valid for 12 months from the time of purchase and may lapse if the membership is not kept active.

Your bonus checks
The bonus check is electronic and uploaded to your account. Bonus checks are valid until the date stated at the bonus check, normally three months after the date it was issued. The check can be used as a payment method equal to its value, but it can neither fully nor partially be redeemed to cash. The minimum payment is 30 SEK or 3 Euro per payment. This amount might vary depending on which country you live in. Bonus checks can be redeemed for purchases at and in store.

Bonus checks that have already been issued can be canceled if Indiska finds that it has been earned in violation of these membership conditions or were admitted by mistake.

A used bonus check is consumed and cannot be refunded in any form. Upon return of an entire purchase, the bonus check is not recreated and it is considered as used. If you return parts of a purchase, the bonus check is still credited to the current purchase.

Termination of your membership
Your membership of My Indiska is valid until further notice or until you or Indiska terminate it. You can cancel your membership at any time by contacting Indiska Customer Service. If the membership is abused, Indiska reserve the right to terminate the membership immediately. In the event of more than 48 months of inactivity, the membership will end and earned membership points or bonus checks will expire.

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