3.1 When the customer is about to place an order on the webshop, the customer will be asked to provide certain personal information. The customer confirms that the information that the customer provides is correct and complete. The customer is responsible for incorrect information. Information about Indiska's processing of personal data can be found in the Indiska privacy policy, which is a part of these terms.
3.2 The customer undertakes to ensure that no one but the customer can use the customer's membership credentials. The customer may not disclose the username and password to any unauthorized person and shall ensure that documents containing the username and password information are stored in such a way that an unauthorized person cannot access the information. The customer must immediatley report to Indiska if it is suspected that a unauthorized person knows the customer's password. The customer is responsible for all purchases made with the customers credentials.
3.3 If Indiska suspects that the customer is abusing the membership account, credentials or otherwise violates the terms, Indiska have the right to suspend the customer. Indiska also have the right to assign new credentials to the customer for whatever reason.
3.4 Personal data and marketing
Indiska 1901 AB protects your privacy and strives to always protect your personal information in the best possible way. It is Indiska's goal to comply with all applicable laws and regulations for personal data protection at all times.
Indiska 1901 AB (559395-2673), Gävlegatan 22, 113 64 Stockholm, Sweden, is responsible for processing personal data that you as a customer submit to Indiska 1901 AB, Indiska Magasinet OY/AS. By accepting these terms of purchase, you as a customer agree to Indiska 1901 AB's processing of personal data in accordance with the paragraph.
Indiska 1901 AB also processes information that you as a customer submit to Indiska 1901 AB, such as contact information and social security numbers (Sweden), as well as information collected by Indiska 1901 AB or its partners from elsewhere such as address information and updated contact information as well as purchase history that is recorded in connection with your purchases. In connection to your purchase, we will check your information with your registered address.
Indiska 1901 AB will process the personal data that you as a customer submit to Indiska 1901 AB to administrate your order and delivery of products. Your personal data may also be used for identification, administration and for statistical purposes. If you specifically agree to it, your information may also be used for direct marketing.
Processing of information by Indiska 1901 AB can also mean interconnection, both within and ourside the EU, with other relevant parties and that your personal data might transferred to other companies within the Indiska 1901 AB group. Personal data is also transferred to our partners for the purpose of administering and facilitating your purchase, such as transport companies and Klarna AB.
As a customer, you have the right to request information about your personal data at Indiska. You are allowed to do so once a year. A signed request must then be submitted to Indiska 1901 AB. The request must be made in writing and cannot be sent by email. If personal data is processed in violation of the Personal Data Act, you as a customer have the right to request that the data should be corrected, blocked or deleted.
3.5 Personal data and product reviews
At Indiska, we facilitate the submitting, processing and presentation of product reviews in accordance with the following guidelines:
We use a third-party service provider for product reviews; LipScore. After you have made a purchase at Indiska.com, the following information is sent to LipScore:
1) Your name
2) Your email address
3) A list of the products that were included in your purchase - Once the purchase is completed, you will receive an email where you can submit your rating and product review. You will rate the product, or the purchase experience, by ranking it out of five (5) stars and given the option to also leave written commentary feedback.
- You have the option of permanently unsubscribing from LipScore's sendouts on Indiska's behalf by clicking the link included in the e-mail. This will prevent any further rating requests being sent out to you for orders placed on Indiska.com.
- Your first name and the first letter of your last name will both be displayed on Indiska's website.
- The rating shown on the product page is based on an average of published ratings.
By submitting a customer review for any of our products, you grant Indiska, via Indiska 1901 AB [559395-2673], hereinafter referred to as "Indiska", a non-exclusive, royalty-free, global license to use all of your written reviews in connection with the company's marketing and/or in its advertising, including, without limitation, in the online store, in newsletters, catalogs, emails and other customer communications, in store materials and for other marketing purposes.
You further grant Indiska the right to examine the reviews prior to publication. Indiska only publishes comments that contain relevant information about a product, which, within, a reasonable fashion, can help other customers make more informed purchasing decisions and gain a clearer understanding of the product. Therefore, Indiska generally does not post inappropriate comments, indecent or inappropriate language, or personally identifiable information. Indiska communicates in the local language(s) of each market. Indiska reserves the right to remove a customer review at any time, for example, if the comment violates the above, the product is sold out, or if the comment is otherwise invalidated.
You hereby release Indiska from all claims for compensation for the use of your texts and any copyright for this material in connection with the use described above; and you release Indiska from and agree to indemnify Indiska and all persons acting on Indiska's behalf from all claims, demands and liabilities of any kind related to the use of Customer Reviews described above. Indiska reserves the right, without prior notice to you, to make changes to these Terms at any time, but the Terms that were available to you at the time you submitted the review are applicable to the current review. Be sure to save a copy of the Terms as we do not save nor have the ability to provide previous versions upon request.